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SR 417 & Boggy Creek Road Interchange




Central FL Expressway Authority (CFX)

Project Size



The SR 417 & Boggy Creek Road Interchange fully encompassed SEMA’s mission of “The project and the people”. This first of it’s kind interchange in Florida was an iconic project that provided the local south Orlando community and large tourism population a more efficient and streamlined link to the surface roads in the area along with the expressway system running south of the Orlando International Airport. This interchange was first of it’s kind due to the utilization of curved concrete U-girders. SEMA pioneered the use of this superstructure construction method in the state of Florida – being the first contractor to utilize these girders. This alternative delivery project was perfect for this innovative approach, greatly reducing the overall project cost vs. using steel girders and providing an aesthetic interchange for the more than 20k daily vehicles including visitors and residents departing the airport heading southbound. Our internal resources are not only limited to equipment, but also include temporary structures as well. All necessary temporary shoring for these girders was, and still is owned by SEMA, allowing us to further maximize the benefit to the Client.

Major Achievements

First bridges in FL with curved, post tensioned concrete U girders.