429 Pile Driving
Central FL Expressway Authority (CFX)
Project Size
A great show of our ability to be the best partner in the industry, this is yet another project we are constructing for the Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX). The construction of this bridge widening presented many challenges, the SEMA Southeast Team collaborated with our specialty engineers, the engineer of record on the project and CFX to come up with the most efficient and cost-effective solutions to continue to progress construction. In these photos, you will see our specialty foundation installation crew driving steel H-pile in preparation for bridge substructure construction. With active traffic only feet away, safety was paramount not only for SEMA forces but for the traveling public. Our crews take this responsibility personally and embrace the values of the company to safely and sustainably deliver a quality product.
Selling Points
This is a capacity improvement project, the completion of our widening scope will provide additional capacity for traveling public to avoid sitting in traffic.